Iconic Shirley Valentine play to take centre stage at Bridlington’s Spotlight Theatre

Spotlight Theatre members said they are delighted to have acquired the rights to present the iconic one woman play Shirley Valentine.Spotlight Theatre members said they are delighted to have acquired the rights to present the iconic one woman play Shirley Valentine.
Spotlight Theatre members said they are delighted to have acquired the rights to present the iconic one woman play Shirley Valentine.
Spotlight Theatre members said they are delighted to have acquired the rights to present the iconic one woman play Shirley Valentine.

The play will take place in February at the popular West Street venue in Bridlington.

The performance dates are Tuesday, February 22 until Saturday, February 26 (7.30pm) and Sunday, February 27 at 2.30pm.

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This production is not suitable for children under the age of 16 due to sexual references made during the performance.

A Spotlight Theatre spokesman said: “Shirley feels stuck in a rut and rediscovers the self-confidence she has lost on holiday in Greece. This wonderful comedy is sure to lift your hearts and brighten your day.”

Go to www.spotlighttheatrebrid.co.uk to find out more or call 01262 678258 to buy tickets (£10).