Scarborough Council leader could face vote of no confidence

Leader of the council, Cllr Steve Siddons.Leader of the council, Cllr Steve Siddons.
Leader of the council, Cllr Steve Siddons. | jpimedia
Scarborough Council leader, Cllr Steve Siddons (Lab), could face a vote of no confidence.

Five councillors, two Conservatives and three Independents, have signed a letter to the Mayor of the borough requesting an Extraordinary Meeting of Full Council to be held within seven days. It was delivered to the Mayor's office this morning.

In the letter, Cllr Bill Chatt (Ind), Cllr Heather Phillips (Con), Cllr Sam Cross (Ind), Cllr Alf Abbott (Con) and Cllr John Casey (Ind) said: "In recognition of the discontent amongst members in regard to the Leader's many departures from the vision he set forth upon his assumption of the Leadership, this Council has NO CONFIDENCE in the Leader."

Cllr Siddons became leader despite Labour only winning 13 out of 46 seats in May's local elections.

He is backed by two Green councillors and 10 of the 14 independents elected.