Dog training with Kimberley Grundy

Well run puppy parties should have small numbers of well-matched dogs.Well run puppy parties should have small numbers of well-matched dogs.
Well run puppy parties should have small numbers of well-matched dogs. | other
Puppy parties provide essential training

Puppy parties, these are an essential part of puppy training, aren’t they?

Allowing dogs to play and run around to their hearts content is vital. It teaches them valuable lessons about interaction with other dogs and people, really setting the foundations for their future.

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Well run, puppy parties are a great foundation for your dog, they allow them to build positive associations with other dogs, learn how to play and interact with one another and to learn when they get too much for another dog.

The owners can learn a lot about dog body language, canine communication and how their dog is going to cope in different situations.

Taking your puppy to these classes under 16 weeks of age is imperative, not only for your dog but for you as well.

However, many puppy parties are not run properly; they are a puppy free for all. Teaching bullies to bully and for fearful dogs to be fearful.

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Too many times I have been told stories about puppy parties with 20 plus dogs in a space that is too small for them, with no support systems when it all gets too much.

Well run puppy parties should have small numbers of well-matched dogs.

Play should be monitored closely, watching for balanced play with turn taking, mirroring of behaviours, small breaks in the play and no dog trying to escape.

Because there is so much going on at a puppy party the trainers running them should be experienced trainers who know what to look for.

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What our puppies learn in the first 16 weeks of life stays with them for the rest of their lives, it is a critical period of development.

It is so important at this point in their lives that everything is done correctly, this will give the puppy the best chance to lead a happy life, with no fear or anxiety.

It is why when you are enquiring about a puppy class of any type, really asking questions about the nature of the class, the techniques used, numbers in the class and the instructors qualifications and experience is so vital.

Get this wrong and it can cause you a lot of problems in the future, ones which are completely avoidable.

About Kimberley ...

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Kimberley Grundy is a canine behaviourist and trainer, based in Yorkshire. She has practised for more than ten years and has two masters degrees – one in animal behaviour and welfare, the other in psychology.

Contact 07919150223,

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