Landmark party for fundraisers

Filey Marie Curie fundraisers at the 10th anniversary celebration.Filey Marie Curie fundraisers at the 10th anniversary celebration.
Filey Marie Curie fundraisers at the 10th anniversary celebration.
Marie Curie's Filey Fundraising Group has hosted a special 10th birthday celebration at Filey Methodist Church to thank dedicated supporters and kind-hearted locals.

Guests were invited for a birthday lunch, including a stunning anniversary birthday cake adorned with Marie Curie daffodils, to commemorate the occasion.

The event was sponsored by Filey Lions who have supported the group for many years, helping out at their collections where their continuing support is hugely appreciated.

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Filey’s town crier David Bull, who was accompanied by his escort Paula Forrest, also sang happy birthday to the fundraising group.

Since its launch, the group has raised £67,000 through a series of events including the Blooming Great Tea Party, by staging street collections, and supporting the charity’s annual campaigns.

Community fundraiser Jennifer Carmichael said: “This is an amazing achievement for everybody that has played a part in raising funds for Marie Curie.

“It’s thanks to the determination and continued efforts of the team and the wider community that has enabled them to raise so much money.”

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