Grow a tasty crop indoors

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Garden experts have shared tips for growing fruit and vegetables indoors to enjoy a tasty crop all year round.

The team at have shared their advice for which varieties are easiest to grow and will produce a delicious crop.

Basics like carrots and potatoes plus leafy greens can all be grown in your home, as well as delicious fruits including strawberries and tomatoes.

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They do suggest investing in deep containers, good soil and even growing lights if this becomes a serious hobby.

They experts have listed the varieties which will thrive indoors and give you mouth-watering fruit and vegetables.

A spokesperson for said: “If you don’t have a garden or only a small outside space with very little sunlight, growing fruit and vegetables indoors may be the best option for you.

“Once you have the necessary kit – deep containers and good soil – growing indoors is straight forward.

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“The important thing to do is pick the varieties you know will do well inside and find a sunny spot in the house to keep the plants strong and healthy.”

Here are’s tips for growing fruit and vegetables indoors:


Radishes don’t need a lot of light to grow so are perfect for indoor gardening. They do need lots of soil through so make sure you use a deep container.


Herbs are great for growing on a windowsill. Simply cut and use in your cooking. In the chilly months, make sure they’re not too close to a window. The cold air will make then wilt. Good herb varieties to try include basil, rosemary, thyme and parsley.


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Potatoes will grow indoors but will need lots of space and light as the plants get bigger. Plant in planter pouches by a sunny door or window.

Leafy greens

Spinach, kale and lettuce will all grow well indoors and will produce a crop all year round. Drainage is important for these veg so grow in a pot with drainage holes and a well-draining soil.


You won’t get huge carrots by growing indoors although you will be able to enjoy the vegetable all year round. You will need a deep container and either a sunny spot or growing lights.


These are worth starting indoors but putting on a deck or patio once the plant gets going. Tomato plants do need up to ten hours of sunlight a day for tasty, sweet fruit.


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Strawberries can be started off indoors but like tomatoes need lots of sunlight for a delicious crop. Move outside once the plant begins to grow or invest in some growing lights.


A sunny spot on a windowsill is perfect for growing peppers. Peppers do need around ten hours of sunlight a day. Invest in a deep container too.


Invest in a mushroom kit and you’ll be able to grow the fungus indoors.